Safeguarding Team

Safeguarding Team

In school we have three DSL's (Designated Safeguarding Lead's) who are:

Allison Deighton is our Lead DSL who deals with any concerns about safeguarding and child protection. Allison can be contacted by email: 

Jane Scardifield has overall responsibility for safeguarding across school.

In the absence of Allison Deighton please report any concerns to Jane Scardifield, or Alison Wild,

What do DSLs do?

• Respond to any safeguarding concerns
• Liaise with social care and other agencies
• Talk to parents about concerns raised where appropriate
• Update safeguarding records
• Lead and coordinate whole school training and updates
• Meet regularly with the safeguarding team and teachers to communicate relevant information
• Meet the safeguarding Governor and report to Governors
• Update the school safeguarding policy in line with Trust central team direction
• Attend local DSL networks and training