
See below for more information on our School's policies on Safeguarding, Code of Conduct, Behaviour, Special Educations Needs & Disability and Charging & Remissions.

Anti-Bullying Policy

 Anti-Bullying Policy


Attendance Policy

Code of Conduct for Parents, Carers and Families

Code of Conduct for Parents, Carers and Families

Complaints Procedure

Complaints Policy

E-safety Policy

E-safety Policy


Safeguarding Policy


Behaviour Policy

Special Education Needs & Disability

SEND Policy

Northowram School Information Report

Charging and Remissions

Charging and Remissions Policy 

Equality Action Plan 2021-24

Equality Action Plan

Pupil Privacy Notice

If you have any query regarding the Privacy Notice, changes to consents or requests for information please contact the School Business Manager at SBM@Northowram.Calderdale.sch.uk

Pupil Privacy Notice

Debt Recovery

Debt Recovery Policy

Intimate Care

Intimate Care Policy

NPS Collective Worship

NPS Collective Worship Policy

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Now, all primary schools in England must teach Relationships and Health Education (RSHE). The government has set out new guidance about what they expect children to know by the time they leave primary education but it is up to schools to decide how they will teach this. The statutory guidance can be found here:
